OSPF is a reliable and scalable dynamic routing protocol. However, the protocol has some weaknesses that may get exploited by attackers. For example, hackers can run remote CPU-utilization-based attacks, which can disrupt OSPF adjacencies. Here comes OSPF TTL Security Check that can help protect against those kinds of attacks by allowing the processing of OSPF packets with particular TTL values.

In this tutorial, you will learn what OSPF TTL Security Check is, how this feature work using a sample attack, and how to set it up.

In the rest of this guide, we use the following network topology. It consists of two routers and a Kali Linux virtual machine from which we launch attacks against R1’s OSPF process.

Here are the initial configurations of the routers.

Router R1

Router(config)# hostname R1
R1(config)# interface GigabitEthernet0/0
R1(config-if)# ip address
R1(config-if)# ip ospf 1 area 0
R1(config-if)# no shutdown

Router R2

Router(config)# hostname R2
R2(config)# interface GigabitEthernet0/0
R2(config-if)# ip address
R2(config-if)# ip ospf 1 area 0
R2(config-if)# no shutdown
R2(config-if)# interface GigabitEthernet0/1
R2(config-if)# ip address
R2(config-if)# ip ospf 1 area 0
R2(config-if)# no shutdown

Kali Linux

sudo ip route add via

We launched a CPU-utilisation-based attack from the Kali Linux machine using the T50 tool. We flooded router R1 with a high volume of router LSAs using this command:

sudo t50 --flood --turbo --protocol ospf --ospf-lsa-router

T50 sends random router LSAs to R1. It can generate up to 1,000,000 packets per second. After a few moments, routers R1 and R2 lose their OSPF adjacency, as you can see in the next example.

*Nov  7 23:35:29.417: %OSPF-4-ERRRCV: Received invalid packet: Bad Checksum from, GigabitEthernet0/0
*Nov  7 23:35:34.417: %OSPF-4-ERRRCV: Received invalid packet: Bad Checksum from, GigabitEthernet0/0
*Nov  7 23:35:34.752: %OSPF-5-ADJCHG: Process 1, Nbr on GigabitEthernet0/0 from FULL to DOWN, Neighbor Down: Dead timer expired
*Nov  7 23:35:39.461: %OSPF-4-ERRRCV: Received invalid packet: Bad Checksum from, GigabitEthernet0/0
*Nov  7 23:35:44.556: %OSPF-4-ERRRCV: Received invalid packet: Bad Checksum from, GigabitEthernet0/0

Here comes OSPF TTL Security Check that help reduce the impact of such attacks on OSPF.

So, What is OSPF TTL Security Check and How Does it Work?

OSPF TTL Security Check is a technique used to protect against CPU utilization-based attacks targeting OSPF-enabled routers. When this feature is enabled, OSPF packets get sent with a TTL value of 255, and OSPF processes routing packets that have a valid TTL value only.

This way, routers differentiate between legitimate OSPF packets and fake ones and prevent consuming high CPU cycles in managing garbage OSPF packets.

OSPF TTL Security Check Configuration on Cisco IOS with Examples

Cisco IOS allows enabling OSPF TTL Security Check either globally on an OSPF process or on a per-interface basis. When you activate this feature without specifying the maximum hop count allowed, the router sets the TTL value of generated OSPF packets to 255 and rejects received OSPF packets with TTL values greater than 1.

Configuring OSPF TTL Security Check on All OSPF Interfaces

To enable this feature on all interfaces, not including virtual links and sham links, of an OSPF instance, use the ttl security all-interfaces command in router configuration mode

This example enables TTL Security Check on all OSPF-enabled interfaces on R1.

R1(config)# router ospf 1
R1(config-router)# ttl-security all-interfaces

To verify this configuration, we use the show ip ospf command, as you can see below.

R1# show ip ospf

omitted output

 Strict TTL checking enabled
    Area BACKBONE(0)
        Number of interfaces in this area is 1
        Area has no authentication
        SPF algorithm last executed 00:01:59.024 ago
        SPF algorithm executed 15 times
        Area ranges are
        Number of LSA 3. Checksum Sum 0x01B915
        Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x000000
        Number of DCbitless LSA 0
        Number of indication LSA 0
        Number of DoNotAge LSA 0
        Flood list length 0

The ttl security all-interfaces hops hop_count command, where hop_count is between 1 and 254 and represents the maximum hops allowed, both activates OSPF TTL Security Check on all interfaces, except virtual links and sham links, and sets the maximum number of hops allowed to hop_count. In this case, the router assigns the TTL value of generated OSPF packets to 255 and discards OSPF packets with a TTL value less than 255 – hop_count.

Moreover, you can activate OSPF TTL Security Check on virtual links and sham links using the area virtual-link ttl-security and area sham-link ttl-security commands, respectively.

This example instructs router R2 to enable TTL Security Check on all interfaces with 1 as the maximum hop count allowed.

R2(config)# router ospf 1
R2(config-router)# ttl-security all-interfaces hops 1

To disable this feature on a particular interface, use the ip ospf ttl-security disable command in interface configuration mode.

Configuring OSPF TTL Security Check on a Per-Interface Basis

Cisco IOS supports configuring TTL Security Check on a per-interface basis. The ip ospf ttl-security command to activate this feature on a specific interface. To specify the maximum hop count allowed, use the ip ospf ttl-security hops hop_count, where hop_count is a number between 1 and 254.

This example enables TTL Security Check on R2’s GigabitEthenret 0/0.

R2(config)# interface gigabitEthernet 0/0
R2(config-if)# ip ospf ttl-security

Finally, the following show ip ospf interface command output states that TTL Security Check has been activated successfully on the interface.

R2# show ip ospf interface gigabitEthernet 0/0
GigabitEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up 
  Internet Address, Area 0, Attached via Interface Enable
  Process ID 1, Router ID, Network Type BROADCAST, Cost: 1
  Topology-MTID    Cost    Disabled    Shutdown      Topology Name
        0           1         no          no            Base
  Enabled by interface config, including secondary ip addresses
  Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State DR, Priority 1
  Designated Router (ID), Interface address
  Backup Designated router (ID), Interface address
  Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5
    oob-resync timeout 40
    Hello due in 00:00:09
  Supports Link-local Signaling (LLS)
  Cisco NSF helper support enabled
  IETF NSF helper support enabled
  Strict TTL checking enabled
  Index 1/1/1, flood queue length 0
  Next 0x0(0)/0x0(0)/0x0(0)
  Last flood scan length is 0, maximum is 2
  Last flood scan time is 0 msec, maximum is 1 msec
  Neighbor Count is 1, Adjacent neighbor count is 1 
    Adjacent with neighbor  (Backup Designated Router)
  Suppress hello for 0 neighbor(s)

Related Lessons to OSPF TTL Security Check


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Mohamed Ouamer
Mohamed Ouamer is a computer science teacher and a self-published author. He taught networking technologies and programming for more than fifteen years. While he loves to share knowledge and write, Mohamed's best passions include spending time with his family, visiting his parents, and learning new things.